GrainTrack — The Best Choice for Grain Traders in the Black Sea Region

GrainTrack is probably the best CTRM system for grain traders in the Black Sea region. According to a study by the American analytical organization Com Tech Advisory, the culture of using specialized software for grain trading management is only beginning to take shape in Eastern Europe.
The widespread adoption of specialized software is hindered by the isolation of local grain markets in terms of trade activity and business practices. Grain traders are often conservative and reluctant to switch to modern, system-based business management models, despite the obvious advantages.
As a result, the region has a limited supply of software solutions, as investors are hesitant to invest significant funds in such products due to the challenges of promoting them.
According to a recent study by GrainTrack, most grain traders in the Black Sea region continue to rely heavily on Excel, with significant variations in the additional software used for grain trading management. As a result, companies unintentionally hinder the development of a unified information ecosystem, which could provide numerous benefits to both individual players and the industry as a whole.
Since 2015, GrainTrack has been working to address this issue. To date, we have built a substantial client base, with a significant portion of our system users coming from the Black Sea region. Our clients range from small companies with limited turnover to large system players who set market trends and handle significant sales volumes.
By conducting business in a unified accounting system, market participants not only enjoy the general benefits of using modern tools but also significantly streamline their interactions with counterparties who also use the GrainTrack system. Such companies find it easier to close deals and exchange documents due to automation and standardization.
If you have any questions regarding our software, please contact us here.