Is GrainTrack CTRM Optimizing Commodity Trading Operations!? – Yes!

In this article, we’ll explore several key areas where CTRM GrainTrack provides value to commodity traders.

In the fast-paced world of commodity trading, efficiency and clarity are key. GrainTrack, our web-based CTRM (Commodity Trading and Risk Management) system, is designed to streamline and simplify your operations.

Here’s how we address three major challenges faced by grain traders:

Centralized Data Access
Problem: Trying to find the data.
Solution: Contracts, vessels, shipments, invoices, documents, and hedging are all in a single system, integrated with accounting and reports. Accessible from any device 24/7, you have access to all your business data, independent of any person.

Real-Time Data Availability
Problem: Impossible to expect actual data.
Solution: All needed data is up-to-date and automated, eliminating the wait for employee-generated reports.

Elimination of Human Errors
Problem: Not secured from human errors.
Solution: Data validation and automation of routine tasks ensure full control of all changes, preventing Excel-like mistakes and mistypes.

Accurate P&L Calculation
Problem: Proper P&L is hard to get.
Solution: GrainTrack calculates real operational profit and loss based on each deal with mark-to-market and hedging, allowing comparison of planned vs. actual results automatically.

Risk Management by Counterparty
Problem: Hard to understand the risk situation by counterparty.
Solution: Our system provides clear visibility into the risks of working with different counterparties.

Efficient Communication Tracking
Problem: Hard to manage calls and meetings.
Solution: GrainTrack allows you to track records of conversations and negotiations with counterparties.

With GrainTrack, you get detailed trading and financial reports, assisting in deal management, execution, and finance. Make your trading operations more efficient and transparent with our CTRM system.